Improving Equipment Reliability Through Predictive Maintenance

Understand the importance of predictive maintenance for manufacturers and how to introduce a predictive maintenance strategy quickly and cost-effectively.

Unlocking the Power of Data in Manufacturing

Discover the significance of data and analytics in the manufacturing industry and learn how to harness their power to optimize operations, reduce costs, and improve profitability.

What are digital twins?

Learn how digital twin technology is transforming the manufacturing industry, and how Konektio can help you achieve your digital transformation goals. Discover the benefits of predictive maintenance, process optimization, quality control, cost savings, and innovation with digital twins.

What is Industry 4.0?

Read about the importance of data in manufacturing and how companies can take meaningful insights into actionable insights using tools like AssetMinder Impact.

Discover how IOT can deliver value, fast, across your operations.

Opportunities of IoT in Healthcare

Opportunities of IoT in Healthcare

When it comes to data, the knowledge that can be derived and how it can be used, are almost endless. Therefore, modern hospitals are becoming more and more digitalised, not only to help patients but also the physicians and medical staff too. Two of the main areas...

Expose the asset inefficiency in your Hidden Factory

Expose the asset inefficiency in your Hidden Factory

Asset efficiency is key to lowering costs, improving OEE, and maximising productivity. But it’s difficult to uncover the challenges that are stifling machine and asset efficiency and hurting your bottom line. Exploring the depths of your “hidden factory”—all the...

Get started with Industrial IoT – Remote Monitoring

Get started with Industrial IoT – Remote Monitoring

Companies are leveraging the IoT to digitally transform their business and the results are impressive. But many struggle choosing a place to begin. One proven way to get started is by remotely monitoring machines. This initiative allows manufacturers to quickly...

Top 6 questions to ask when developing an IoT strategy

Top 6 questions to ask when developing an IoT strategy

The Internet of things (IoT) may present the biggest opportunity to enterprises since the dawn of the Internet age, and perhaps it will be bigger. The IoT encompasses everything: from connected wearable devices, thermostats, automobiles, and home and commercial...

The building blocks of IoT

The building blocks of IoT

IoT is already a reality. Millions of IoT products have been deployed ranging from home temperature control and entertainment to security and industrial control. But this is just the beginning of the new IoT age, with its market projected to grow exponentially over...

Three ways your company could benefit from asset monitoring

Three ways your company could benefit from asset monitoring

Physical assets – from manufacturing machinery to medical equipment, industrial kit to simple computers – often make up a hugely valuable portion of a company’s overall infrastructure. They’re costly in themselves, expensive and often complicated to repair and...

From reactive to proactive maintenance with IoT

From reactive to proactive maintenance with IoT

Once upon a time, industrial maintenance was a primarily reactive business. Maintenance engineers were on hand to respond to problems. Mechanical slowdown? Electrical failure? Production bottleneck? Falling levels of consumables like oils or water? Overheating?...

Optimising production efficiency through remote monitoring

Optimising production efficiency through remote monitoring

‘Production efficiency’ sounds good. It sounds like something all manufacturing and industrial businesses should be aiming for. But what does it actually mean? And how can remote monitoring help enable it? At Konektio, we think there are two key aspects that...